Original - anglais
No man's land
Harold Pinter Royaume Uni
Écrit en 1974

Résumé ou extrait

Hirst is an alcoholic upper-class litterateur who lives in a grand house presumed to be in Hampstead, with Foster and Briggs, respectively his purported amanuensis and man servant (or apparent bodyguard), who may be lovers. Spooner, a "failed, down-at-heel poet" whom Hirst has "picked up in a Hampstead pub" and invited home for a drink, becomes Hirst's house guest for the night; claiming to be a fellow poet, through a contest of at least-partly fantastic reminiscences, he appears to have known Hirst at university and to have shared mutual male and female acquaintances and relationships. The four characters are named after cricket players.

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1997 Royaume Uni

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ISBN : 0571193838


Harold Pinter

Royaume Uni

Autres infos sur l'édition

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