Original - anglais
The Night Heron
Jez Butterworth Royaume Uni
Écrit en 2001

Résumé ou extrait

Birthday Girl The sighting of a rare bird attracts attention to a remote part of the Fens. The visiting birdwatchers cannot know what dangers lie in the freezing darkness of the marshes. In an isolated cabin, Wattmore, bruised and bleeding, is recording the Old Testament onto cassette. Griffin arrives with fish and chips. Salvation is at hand - a cash prize for winning the university poetry competition plus the arrival of a possible lodger. Meanwhile, outside the town is stirring...

Nombre de personnages

homme(s) : 6

femme(s) : 1

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2002 Royaume Uni

The Glasshouse 49 A Goldhawk Road Sheperd's Bush
W12 8QP Londres
Royaume Uni
t. 00 +44 (0)20 87 49 49 53
f. 000 +44 (2)0 87 46 20 06

ISBN : 1-85459-699-3


Jez Butterworth

Royaume Uni
Laville Pierre