Original - anglais
The Matchmaker
Thornton Wilder Etats Unis
Écrit en 1954

Résumé ou extrait

A certain old merchant of Yonkers is so rich in 1800 that he decides to take a wife. He employs a matchmaker a woman who subsequently becomes involved with two of his menial clerks, assorted young and lovely ladies, and the headwaiter at an expensive restaurant where this swift farce runs headlong into a hilarious complications. After everyone gets straightened out romantically and has his heart's desire, the merchant finds himself affianced to the astute matchmaker herself. He who was so shrewd in business is putty in the hands of Dolly Levi. He is fooled by apprentices in a series of hilarious hide and seek scenes, and finally has all his bluster explode in his face.

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2010 Etats Unis

45 West 25th Street
US-10010 New York
Etats Unis
t. +1 (212) 206 89 90
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ISBN : 0573612226


Thornton Wilder

Etats Unis
Vatain-Corfdir Julie