Original - anglais
Any given day
Linda McLean Royaume Uni
Écrit en 1995

Résumé ou extrait

A sharply perceptive, darkly funny riff on urban isolation by one of Scotland is leading playwrights. This is a big day for Sadie and Bill; their favourite person is coming to visit. They've gone to great lengths to prepare for the occasion. It is an even bigger day for Jackie; and not one she’d anticipated. Should she make the most of it? She doesn’t know if she can any more; too many people depend on her. Any Given Day explores our fear of the unknown, and our guilt and responsibility towards ourselves and others.

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1996 Royaume Uni

The Glasshouse 49 A Goldhawk Road Sheperd's Bush
W12 8QP Londres
Royaume Uni
t. 00 +44 (0)20 87 49 49 53
f. 000 +44 (2)0 87 46 20 06

ISBN : 1848420935


Linda McLean

Royaume Uni
Vermande Sarah, Pélissier Blandine