Original - anglais
All My Sons
Arthur Miller Etats Unis
Écrit en 1947

Résumé ou extrait

Joe Keller and Steve Deever, partners in a machine shop during World War II, turned out defective airplane parts, causing the deaths of many men. Deever was sent to prison while Keller escaped punishment and went back to business, making himself very wealthy in the ensuing years. In Miller’s work of tremendous power, a love affair between Keller's son, Chris, and Ann Deever, Steve’s daughter, the bitterness of George Keller, who returns from the war to find his father in prison and his father's partner free, and the reaction of a son to his father's guilt escalate toward a climax of electrifying intensity.

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2000 Etats Unis

375 Hudson Street
NY-10014 New York
Etats Unis
t. +1 (0)212 366 20 00
f. +1 (0)212 414 33 40

ISBN : 0141185465


Arthur Miller

Etats Unis
Duhamel Marcel