Original - anglais
Harold Pinter Royaume Uni
Écrit en 1968

Résumé ou extrait

Dame Peggy Ashcroftís Beth lives entirely in the transfiguring memory of an encounter she had once had with an unnamed man by the sea shore. Against the impregnable armour with this clothes her the common chatter of her rough but not unkindly husband beats in vain, and the confession of unfaithfulness on which he sets regretful store is powerless to darken even by a shade or for a moment the brilliant light of her remembered joy.

Nombre de personnages

homme(s) : 2

femme(s) : 1

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1997 Royaume Uni

Faber and Faber Ltd
3 Queen Square
WC1N 3AU Londres
Royaume Uni
t. 00 +44 (0)20 7465 0045
f. 00 +44 (0)20 7465 0034

ISBN : 0-571-19383-8


Harold Pinter

Royaume Uni
Magois Séverine