Original - anglais
Edith's Diary
Patricia Highsmith

Résumé ou extrait

Edith Howland’s diary is her most precious possession. After moving with her family from New York City to suburban Pennsylvania, Edith’s husband abandons her for a younger woman, leaving her trapped in a bleak existence with her degenerate son and his senile uncle. As Edith’s life turns sour, she retreats into her writing; and while her life plunges into chaos, a disturbing tale of success and happiness blooms in her diary. She invents a happy life, and as she knits for imaginary grandchildren, the real world recedes further still, marking a descent into madness that may well be unstoppable.

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2018 Etats Unis

841 Broadway 4th Floor
NY-10003 New York
Etats Unis
t. +1 212-614-7850
f. +1 212-614-7886

ISBN : 0802128025


Patricia Highsmith

Delahaye Alain
Bertholet Mathieu